Premiul Blog Creative

de Isabela Spataru
Am inceput saptamana cu dreptul Maya si cu Cristina mi-au oferit acest minunat premiu. Le multumesc din suflet ca s-au gandit iar la mine si le imbratisez cu drag.Ofer mai departe acest premiu unor noi prietene:

Minjina ~ Minjina Kuhinjica
Isabelle ~ Les gourmandises d’Isa
Deeba ~ Passionate About Baking



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4 comentarii

ISABELA noiembrie 20, 2008 - 10:39 am

With pleasure Minja
Yes you can take it with you on the blog and please remember to give it to three other people.


ISABELA noiembrie 20, 2008 - 10:33 am

Isabelle you must give this award to three other people and write an article about this on your blog, just as I did.


Minja noiembrie 19, 2008 - 9:29 pm

Wow Isabela 🙂
Thank you for award !
It is a great honor for me 🙂
Can I take my prize to the blog ?

Isabelle noiembrie 17, 2008 - 10:48 pm

merci beaucoup Isabela pour ce prix 🙂 ça me fait super plaisir et c’est vraiment, super gentil de ta part !


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